
Friday, September 18, 2015

Wrought iron chair revamped

 Grab a wrought iron chair... Sand it down, then hose it down and let it dry.
 Apply some primer and let it dry. I applied a general all purpose primer but I know you get primer specific to metal. Our local hardware store didn't have any though.
 Paint it with some spray paint. Give it a few coats, letting it dry in between coats. My husband was drawn to the pastel yellow colour in the shop and so that is what I used.
 I don't think I sanded it down properly, or perhaps I should have paid more attention to the flaking paint.
 I might just redo the arm rest part. Or perhaps I will leave it like that for a while and see how it holds up. If it stays looking good for a couple of weeks and the flaws don't annoy me terribly then I will leave it as is. If not then I'll redo it when I do the rest of the set.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Reusing old jars

Wash the jar and let it dry. I can't remember what this one held but I think it was some or other spice or sauce.
 Paint the lid in chalkboard paint. Give it a few coats and let it dry.
 Spray the back of a stencil with contact adhesive or use stencil glue. Wait the recommended time according to the manufacturers directions.
Place the stencil on the jar. I taped the top and bottom down because my stencil was a little big for the jar.
 Follow the bottle directions on the etching cream to apply the product to the jar. Wait the recommended time. Mine said to wait 2 minutes but a previous product I had worked with said to wait 30 minutes so I decided rather safe than sorry and waited about 20 minutes. PS: Don't forget to wear rubber gloves and protective clothing.
 Wash the cream off (not forgetting your protective gear). Remove the stencil and tape. Give the jar a good wash with warm soapy water or running it through the dishwasher.
 Once it's washed and dried then find a nice use for your "new" pretty jar.

Friday, September 11, 2015

DIY hanging photo frame

Find 2 pieces of off cut wood.

                      Sand down the blocks paying special attention to the chipped sides and corners.

 Measure and mark off where to put the eyelets.

Screw in the eyelets. It may be useful to use a small drill-bit to drill small pilot holes to help you screw them in.

On the board chosen to be the bottom piece, the one with only two eyelets, measure and screw in mirror corners. Again, it might be helpful to first drill small pilot holes.
 Choose, size and print out a quote or saying of your choice

 Tape one side of the paper to the back of the top board (the one without the mirror corners). Slide in a piece of carbon paper and tape the other side down. Trace over the quote with a pen or a pencil.

 Remove the paper and piece of carbon paper.

 Go over the quote with a paint marker and wait for it to dry.

Spray a layer or two of clear lacquer over the quoted board and wait for it to dry.

Attach key ring rings to the eyelets to attach the two boards.

Attach a piece of wire or rope to the eyelets on the top so that you can hang your photo frame.

Insert a photo into the mirror corners and hang up your quick, easy and personalized hanging photo frame.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Washer coasters

 Grab some washers lying around. Or buy them. They are really cheap but I found some in our garage.
Give them a good cleaning and let them dry. I just washed it with warm soapy water. I didn't bother with sanding them down or anything.

Arrange them in your desired pattern. I did this because I found a lot of washers but wanted to try make one coaster first, before I painted them all and then realized I couldn't manage turning them into coasters.
Spray paint them. I did mine in a metallic natural copper color and gave it two coats.

When it's dry, apply some clear lacquer.
 Measure and cut out a piece of felt.
Apply contact adhesive to the felt and the back of the washers. Follow the manufactures directions for achieving a permanent bond.
Place the washers on the felt, making sure you center it. I didn't and ended up patching up the felt on one washer.
Cut off the excess felt with a scissors and craft knife.

Use some modge podge to seal the edges and stick down those feathery bits of stubborn felt that you couldn't cut away.

When it's dry, put it to use.
I must say that cutting the felt away isn't as easy as it sounds. I did decide to make three more to make a set of four and by the second one I realized that I could just take a lighter and gently burn away the feathered and ugly bits. Kind of like you would for fraying thread and ribbon. I don't know why I had not thought of that earlier because when I realized that it would work the other coasters went a lot easier as I wasn't trying to cut 100% perfectly.