
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What you think on will drop into your heart, and eventually come out of your mouth

What you think and meditate on will drop into your heart, and what is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth

What you think and meditate on will drop into your heart, and what is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth.

Words carry power and once said can’t be unsaid and once heard can’t be unheard.
There is forgiveness for the hurt we cause by the terrible things we say. That said I would much rather build others up than break them down. If I have hurt anyone by my words and by extension my actions, please forgive me.

I have made a decision to think on those things which are pure and lovely. I have made a decision to think thoughts of love about myself and others and pray that God will graciously help me every day. Would the world not be a much better place if we saw and thought about others as God sees and thinks about them?

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